URBANBEAUTYCOLLECTIVE.COM is the go-to gathering place for ethnic style professionals and the people they inspire. The photos, forums and tips are from real, working black beauty pros from all over the USA and abroad with hands-on experience, not high-paid editors who give advice in theory. URBANBEAUTYCOLLECTIVE.COM is the online community of the acclaimed US network, Urban Beauty Collective (UBC).
Look out for my featured blog in the STYLE LIST section of UBC. HAIRLISTA.COM will be featuring UBC’s celebrity style shot from the STYLE SQUAD that includes celebrity hair stylist to Rihanna, Ursula Stephen and celebrity ward robe stylist to Alicia Keys, Wouri Vice.
Don’t forget to join URBANBEAUTYCOLLECTIVE.COM and share your thoughts, photos and love for everything style. They look forward to interacting with you on URBANBEAUTYCOLLECTIVE.COM.
♥ Sunshyne