Moving on...I lightly trimmed my hair twice since I last relaxed in November 2009. I did this because I noticed some split ends and they had to go because I'm in the Healthy Ends Challenge on Hairlista Inc.
I feel like I haven't gained much length this time around (plus I gave my scalp a break from JBCO for a while..don't worry I will continue using it again starting tonight..I slacked off big time. No more excuses). Overall, I'm pretty happy with the health - which is most important.
FYI, I'm still on my quest to MBL...it's taking some time...but I'm loving the journey nonetheless

Goals I Met from June 2009 Personal MBL Check Up:
CONSISTENTLY Apply Jamaican Black Castor oil (not a fan of the regular Castor oil - sorry) to scalp 3x/week part of the Castor Oil Challenge Pt.2Increase/maintain thickness (hair & ends)Keep up with light protein weeklyIncorporate more oils into regimenCo-wash 1x/week part of the Summer 2009 Co-wash Challenge- Take Multi-Vitamins Daily & Fish Oils
New Goals:
- Apply JBCO to scalp 3 times a week after wash day
- Take Multi-Vitamin and Omega 3-6-9 capsules daily
- Drink 8 glasses of water daily
- Exercise 3 times a week (I got a new membership..YAY Me!)
- Increase shine and soften texture (hard goal but I'm willing to take on the challenge)
- Buy a new steamer (my Hair Therapy Wrap broke..will explain later)
- Simplify regimen and products even more!
Check'em out:
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♥ Sunshyne