Checkin' In On My Personal MBL Challenge

Time has passed and I did not reach my goal of BSL by Spring 2009 *sigh* (although, I am fairly close). I'm quite disappointed in my efforts to reach this goal - like c'mon already man..geez.

However, I am grateful and pleased with the overall results I've attained from the new routine I've developed. Below, there are a couple things I've added after my last Personal MBL Challenge Update.

Small Tweaks:

- As of Feb 7th to present, I started using JBCO on my scalp.
- As of late March to present, I started using a light protein - weekly.
- As of Jan 21st to present, I've been using coconut oil as a prepoo protection treatment on my previously relaxed hair before a relaxer.

Revisit Year 2 Goals:
- Hit FULL BSL by Spring 2009 (March-April) Fall 2009
- Reach MBL (Oct. '09) Spring
- Simplify my regimen & products even more
- Keep breakage to a minimum
- Baby my ends and Moisturize & Seal in Sections
- Increase thickness of ends
- Dust ends frequently
- Use low pH products (shampoos & DC's)
- Increase moisture level

New Goals:
  • CONSISTENTLY Apply Jamaican Black Castor oil (not a fan of the regular Castor oil - sorry) to scalp 3x/week part of the Castor Oil Challenge Pt.2
  • Increase/maintain thickness (hair & ends)
  • Keep up with light protein weekly
  • Incorporate more oils into regimen
  • Co-wash 1x/week part of the Summer 2009 Co-wash Challenge
  • Take Multi-Vitamins Daily & Fish Oils
I'm so fired up right now!!!!! LETS GO


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