I got a little trim since I haven't had one since November 2008. I don't notice a huge difference in growth this time around. I SLACKED OFF big time applying the Castor oil to my scalp. I'm kicking myself right now. In total, I missed about 2-3 wks of the challenge i.e. vacation, busy with business and just straight up forgetting :(
However, I do see and feel a difference where thickness is concerned. My hair feels like it has more weight (stronger & heavier - Thanks to the Protein Is My BFF) and the health has improved tremendously. I'm happy with my hair right now :)
I barely have photo's of this relaxer b/c I have NO CAMERA. I'm deeply saddened by this. I was lucky to take photo's of my braid out since I was at my girls house. I have more photo's on Hairlista. You can also check out the Right hand column "Recent Hair Photos" for more pics.
Oh - I picked up a bottle of my beloved Jamaican Black Castor Oil so I'm back in businesssss.

(sorry for the horrible photo's, these were taken with my phone and bad lighting)
♥ Sunshyne